y. m. bright cashews

DR-CNSL - Double Refined Cashewnut Shell Liquid.

The Cashew Nut Shell Liquid(CNSL) is traditionally obtained as a by product during the isolation of the Kernal. It consists chiefly two naturally produced phenolic compounds

  • Anacardic acid 90%
  • Cardol 10%

Both of these are of non-drying type and can not be dried up unless by means of either process by chemical reaction. during the commercial extraction of the liquid undergoes heat treatment and subsequently decar-boxylates, the anacardic acid being converted to cardanol. In addition to the above raw cashenu shell liquid also contain small amount of galltic acid, glucosides and sulphides of metals like iron and other original impurities, which act as plymerization inhibitors. the presence of the above impurities enhances the strong vesicant dermatatic action of cashewnut shell liquid on human skin before this liquid is utilised for preparation of resins, it requires treatment to get rid of all impurities. The liquid thus treated by chemicals is known Double Refined Cashewnut Shell Liquid(DR-CNSL).

Double refining of CNSL removes all the above impurities make further processing of CNSL in the manufacturing of resins, varnishes and other materials easy the DR-CNSL satisfies all the specification laid down by ISI (Indian Standards Institute) for the Cashewnut Shell Liquid.

The presence of phenolic ring and alky chain in Cashewnut Shell Liquid makes its a versatile raw material for manufacturer of cashew resins, Varnishes and Lecqurs of Superior quality.

Technical advantages of DR-CNSL based coatings

Flexble and hard films with excellent adhesion are obtained directly by reaction with formaldehyde and flexibility is obtained even without cooking with oils. Additiona;;y Double Refined Cashewnut Shell Liquid based varnishes exhibit superior insulation and anti corrosive properties. These are air drying as any other Oleo Resinuous Varnisheses.

Economic advantages

These do not reqire imported alkyle substituted phenols or resins based on them and do no require modification with drying oils. Does not involves, long drawn cooking with high temperatures.